Wednesday, July 2, 2008


(pretty spoiler free)

Graphic Novels used to be an Untapped resource for the movies. Now though studios are finding that half their work is already done for them, in storyboarding, dialogue, and location conception sketches. However this is not the case for wanted. A Graphic Novel about a company of assassins that kill superheroes, this story was taken away in favor of a much more conventional fair.

WANTED is a movie that suffers from one serious flaw. All the coolest action is in the Movie Trailers. Now don't get me wrong the action in the trailers looks sickeningly cool. However, after 5 or 6 viewings it's no less cool, it has just gotten old, and when it happens in the movie you are like yup I saw that already whats next, but there is very little next.

I think the director or editor screwed up a bit in the movie, for I figured out one major plot twist quite early in the movie, due to one certain shot that didn't really need to be in the movie. And since the plot point is what the entire movie hinges on, it really was a let down to have it figured out so early.

Jolie is great in the movie, being herself, and not supporting any ridiculous accent that you see half the time in her films. The main character is quite annoying in most of the movie, he never really pulls of the baddass that is needed for the end. I think a stronger lead say Ewan McGregor(5 years ago) or even Giovanni Ribisi would of done this movie a lot of good. Morgan Freeman using some colorful dialogue was laugh inducing(seriously the whole theater burst out laughing), but I think that was the point. He did a good job, his big pay off scene though didn't have as much as a punch as I expected.

All and all the movie was alright, I felt quite disconnected the entire film though mainly because of the lack of conviction from the main actor, and the plot point I figured out quite early. Kim however found it quite fun and enjoyable, for your typical action fare.

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