Friday, June 20, 2008

Iron Man

So early trailers of this movie looked quite lackluster, to almost down right bad. The movie looked shall we say stupid. Ahh but the trailers didn't do this movie justice.

Robert Downey Jr. is by far the best superhero actor yet. Fun, cool, witty, and still taking his role throughout the entire movie as serious as the movie takes itself. This isn't Fantastic Four, where the actors seem to know what they are doing is as ridiculous as the movie they are in. Downey plays this one perfectly, akin to Jonny Depp in Pirates.

The story was interesting and the action fun, it was an all around solid movie.

Gwenyth was a tad odd in this movie, and a bald Jeff Bridges took getting used to. Terrance Howard was in a wasted his placeholder role.(he plays a guy who becomes a pivotal character in the iron man lore.. so they needed someone who could be great in future movies).

This movie screamed sequel from the word go. And it looks like the Superhero Genre is here to stay. Taking its spot at the top of the summer blockbuster list. But hey I'll take it over a summer full of Mission Impossible Sequels.

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