Friday, June 20, 2008

Indiana Jones and the attempt to reboot a franchise.

(Note this Review holds NOSpoilers.. so it is more of a rant then a review)

I was 9 years old when the last Indiana Jones movie came out, and yet I remember going to see this movie with my folks in the theater. It was a great movie and a good time. Now 19 years later they come out with another one. Now when it takes you 19 years to come out with another movie, things are already looking bad. So I went to this movie fearing the worst, and got a jumbled mess. From the Opening scene to the ending upchuck inducing line, this movie is bad, and I am not talking Transformers bad, or Sahara bad, but even worse then that. I must say I think Noah Wyle made a better action/adventure romp in his cheesy made for TV movie, Librarian Quest for the Spear.

It is a sad day when I think Indiana Jones should hang up his Fedora, and let Ben Gates, do the treasure hunting from now on.

This movie had no plot points, a very flimsy story, an indestructible lead, and a MacGuffin( a plot device that motivates the characters or advances the story.. aka holy grail, ark of the covenant, crystal skull) that made no sense what so ever, and was so unbelievable that it really just confused the audience.

Ohh well.

Will I sit through another one... probably. Will I pay full price, not likely.

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