Friday, June 20, 2008

The (not) Happening....

OHH my.

So Mr. M. Night has put out another movie. These things are always interesting, some times entertaining, and for anyone who considers themselves a movie buff, and must see. Well let me save you a couple bucks... DON'T SEE IT. Seriously. It's bad.

The Movie started strong, you know when things started happening, but then we were introduced to the main characters. A mentally handicapped/socially inept science teacher, his flighty big eyed(seriously her eyes are huge) girl friend, and a normal random teacher played by John Leguizamo, and his could of been played by a mute daughter.

In the entire movie these people are acting really weirdly.. Their dialogue(when there is some) makes little sense, it is no where near how people really talk, instead they seem to be resiting character points. For instance the Girl-friend many times through out the movie(usually on the verge of tears) tells other characters that she doesn't show her emotions she doesn't like everyone to see them. Even though she was the most emotional one the entire movie.

I was expecting the big twist at the end of this movie to be something like.. These people are all in an insane asylum. They are just nuts, and this isn't reality. For nothing in the movie explained these peoples odd behavior. Many times they seemed to jump their lines, act inappropriately and just plain do stupid things. People acted strangely in The Village, that is true, but they explained all that away. Here, these people are suppose to be random Philadelphia residents, not some odd culture shocked group. (If these people are normal for Phily remind me never to visit)

I must say pass on this one folks. Wait till cable, unless your a big fan of M. Night, then try renting it on DVD.

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